Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Overwhelmed With Love

I am truly overwhelmed with how much I love my boys! I'm looking out the window at them playing and feel blessed in a way I can't even describe. Earlier today, I did "preschool" with Dax and some of his friends. Since then, he's been walking around proudly with his little bag of 6 valentine's that were given to him. In the car ride home from picking up Tayven from Kindergarten, Tayven went through and read all of Dax's valentines to him, telling him who they were from. Then there's Harper who's up for whatever his crazy older brothers will let him do. A few minutes ago they were pouring cups of ice water on his head. Before you call CPS, note that Harper was laughing so hard, he could hardly breathe. Maybe that makes you want to dial it faster? Now they're riding in circles on bikes outside singing endless, cute, made-up songs. Another moment of cuteness that I want to hold on to forever. I suppose today is an extra "giddy" day for me as Tayven gets his cast off in an hour! Celebrate good times! We're having a family dinner celebration tonight. I think I'll be smiling all day. The other day Josh and I were reflecting on an awesome day of playing and hiking with our boys. I feel so blessed by these days in our lives. I love my boys and want to freeze these moments. I still see the look of amazement and wonder in Tayven's eyes when we tell him new things about life... as he holds on to our words as absolute truth. I know those days won't last and that it won't be long before he has a mind of his own. What a huge resposibility we have to instill truth in these boys while they are still actively listening! These days are precious, I don't want them to end. Most of all, I wan't to be found faithful to the Lord in how I use them. I know these little ones are a gift from God that are an opportunity to bring Him more glory with. I get emotional thinking of how much I want to hold them close, love them, and enjoy them... but as I take a step back and remember my purpose in this short life, I can only cling to God's grace and pray He is pleased.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I know, I know, you can barely see the snow... but to us Auburn folk, this was a great day! Doesn't it make you want to come visit? on your way to Tahoe? C'mon, we've got plenty of room :) I'm hoping some snow will come when Dad, Angi and Danielle come to visit!

Dax loved the way snow felt on his belly and got lots of smiles outside the grocery store.

Playing in our front yard...